Pet owners rejoice! Laugh in the face of upturned water bowls, puppy/older dog accidents, post rain walks, bath time shenanigans and drool that used to make you run for the mop…..
Floors For Paws is 100% waterproof. Why?
Floors For Paws is waterproof because it is glued down to your sub-floor leaving fluids nowhere to go. Spills, wees, drips and drool will stay on the top surface of our floor and will never go below the top surface. It wont stain, warp or discolour your new floor.
Pet owners know the challenges of wood and laminate flooring with pets. Liquid will find a way into any permeable or semi-permeable surface, and any crack or joint – no matter how small. This can cause damage to your floor.
Floors For Paws top surface is impermeable to liquid and the glue acts as a weld to ensure nothing can seep between the joins.
Imagine if it’s possible that you left dog wee on your floor overnight without mopping it up! Of course you wouldn’t, but if for any reason it happened on Floors for Paws you would get up the next day to find it still on the top of the floor, without staining, without damaging, without warping the product below.
Stress free, easy maintenance for pet owners? Floors For Paws; The best waterproof flooring for pets and pet owners.