How to maintain vinyl flooring

Pet wee accident

Vinyl floors are fuss-free and low maintenance but still require regular care and cleaning. Our latest guide explains how to maintain vinyl flooring.

Regular maintenance of vinyl flooring

To keep your vinyl flooring in the best possible condition and looking as good as new for as long as possible, it’s important to develop some good habits and establish a care routine.

Use doormats – doormats positioned by entrance and exit points will help to minimise the amount of dirt that is brought onto the vinyl flooring, making cleaning easier. DO NOT use rubber backed floormats as these can create a chemical reaction with the flooring that can discolour your floor.

Remove outdoor shoes – removing outdoor shoes will reduce the amount of dirt and debris that gets stuck to soles, from sticking to the vinyl. Grit from outdoors can be abrasive to vinyl and can remove the finish, while sticky tarmac can discolour the flooring.

Use furniture coasters – floor protectors under furniture legs will protect against dents and scratches.

Always lift furniture – avoid dragging furniture across vinyl flooring to avoid scratches, marks and tears.

Keep pet claws clipped – long claws make it extremely challenging for dogs to walk on vinyl flooring and therefore pose a risk of slipping. Ensuring claws are kept closely clipped will minimise the risk to your dogs.

Wipe feet and paws after a walk – get into the habit of wiping feet and drying paws after a walk to avoid dirt and debris being brought into the house.

Vacuum or sweep regularly – just as with carpet flooring or tiled floors, vinyl flooring needs to be vacuumed or swept regularly. This avoids a buildup of dirt which will be difficult to remove and should be done daily.

Deal with spills immediately – when your new puppy or older dog has an accident, wipe it up as soon as possible. Likewise, any spillages should be wiped up as soon as they happen.

All of the above will help to keep your vinyl flooring in great condition, but it will need to be cleaned. A damp (not sopping wet) mop is sufficient to keep on top of dust and can be carried out after vacuuming, once a week or more frequently as necessary.  Always dry your flooring afterwards.

Deep cleaning vinyl flooring and how often you do it, depends on the amount of traffic your flooring deals with. Some establishments such as veterinary clinics or doggy daycare will need to deep clean more often than a domestic household, but the process is the same.

How to deep clean vinyl floors

After vacuuming/sweeping the floor, have a look for any scuffs; scuff marks can be buffed out with a microfibre cloth and deep marks can be tackled with a paste of baking powder applied with a soft cloth. Don’t forget to clean along where the vinyl meets the skirting boards – a soft brush with the baking powder paste is enough (a baby’s toothbrush is perfect). When using a baking powder paste, don’t forget to wipe away any traces of the paste.

The floor can then be mopped with a solution of one cup of white vinegar in one gallon of warm water (with washing up liquid added if you prefer bubbles or if the floor is particularly dirty). Keep your mop damp – not dripping wet – and refresh the solution as soon as the water becomes dirty. Once you are happy that the floor is clean, mop with a dry cloth or use a microfibre cloth to ensure the floor is completely dry.

Things to avoid when cleaning vinyl flooring

Abrasive substances – it may be tempting to use a scourer or abrasive detergent on stubborn stains but they will damage the surface of the vinyl.

Very hot water – always use warm water when mopping vinyl.

Steam cleaners – even on the coolest setting, a steam cleaner is too hot for vinyl.

Wax cleaners – vinyl flooring is no-wax and wax products should be avoided as they can leave a nasty residue on the surface of flooring which is extremely difficult to remove without causing damage.

High heeled shoes – high-heeled shoes of the stiletto type can cause serious damage to vinyl flooring by way of deep dents and even tears and rips.

At Floors For Paws, our range of vinyl flooring includes the Pawsafe Commercial range, suitable for commercial properties and supplied on a roll, our Luxury Vinyl range available in stone-effect tiles or wood-effect planks, and our Pawsafe Domestic range, which is supplied in a variety of plank sizes.

For questions about any of our ranges, or if you want more information on how to maintain vinyl flooring, our experienced and friendly staff can be contacted by email at or telephone on 01522 300218

How to help a dog with arthritis

Vet with patient

Our latest guide to helping older dogs suffering from arthritis, to make their lives easier.

Arthritis in dogs

  • Canine arthritis develops over time just as human arthritis can and statistically, 80% of dogs over 8 years old will develop arthritis.
  • It isn’t just older dogs that can develop it however; an injury or wound suffered at any age can cause joint damage which can lead to inflammation and arthritis.
  • Sadly also, there are certain breeds that may be predisposed to canine arthritis, including popular breeds such as Golden Retrievers and Springer Spaniels, amongst others. In these cases, screening is available.
  • Ensuring your dog remains a healthy weight, and exercises regularly, will reduce the risk of being overweight which can also be a cause of arthritis through excessive weight putting stress on the joints.

Once you have identified that your dog is suffering with arthritis, there are lots of practical ways you can help to lessen the effects and of course, consulting a vet and canine dietary specialist who can offer practical advice will also help.

Easing arthritis in dogs

  • Lift food and water bowls off the ground (there are lots of different bowl stands available on the market). Doing this means that larger or taller breeds don’t have to lower their heads too far which can pull on painful joints.
  • Ensure your dog’s bed is as comfortable as possible and firm enough to offer support to painful joints. Arthritic dogs rest often and having several beds around the home will let them rest in comfort wherever they are.
  • As with humans, exercising arthritic joints to prevent immobility is very important but consider more frequent, shorter walks rather than one or two longer walks. This will be kinder on joints, as will walking on softer ground such as grass, that offers less impact stress than say concrete.
  • Keep claws well clipped to reduce the chance of slipping.
  • When walking an arthritic dog, try to stick to flat, dry ground. This will minimise the risk of your dog losing his footing and slipping or falling.

As well as minimising the risk of slipping while on a walk, it is important to ensure flooring at home does not pose a similar threat. At Floors for Paws, we specialise in dog-friendly flooring solutions that are kind to arthritic dogs.

Non slip flooring from Floors for Paws

At Floors for Paws, we have combined quality and style in our range of pet-friendly, low-maintenance flooring. Where real wood, laminate and ceramic floors pose a real risk of slipping coupled with a hard landing, our vinyl solutions are perfect for dogs of all ages. With a textured, anti-slip surface and an extra-soft layer of protection, our ranges have been endorsed by CAM (Canine Arthritis Management) who recommends them for older dogs and those with arthritis. Offered as tiles or planks in a wide range of colours and designs, our Pawsafe Domestic Range and our Luxury Vinyl Range are perfect for any room in the home. For businesses who experience a high volume of pet visitors, such as veterinary clinics, dog daycare centres, and canine cafes, our Pawsafe Commercial Range is supplied on the roll and offers the very best in pet-friendly flooring.

To discuss any aspect of our flooring and how it can help your dog remain as comfortable as possible for as long as possible, please call us today on 01522 300218 or send an email to

What is herringbone flooring?

what is herrinbone flooring

Our complete guide to herringbone vinyl flooring – what it is and how to lay it.

What is herringbone flooring?

Herringbone is the name of a pattern originally created from traditional solid wood parquet block flooring. The term herringbone flooring is often used when referring to parquet flooring as it is the most popular pattern. Dating back to the 17th century, parquet flooring was expensive and therefore only found in the wealthiest and most extravagant of homes.

The herringbone pattern

Herringbone floors were traditionally created from plank shaped wooden blocks but, now, they can be created with block shaped vinyl tiles. Each plank is arranged at a 45 degree angle to the next to create a V-shape which gives the pattern a strong, geometric design.

Benefits of herringbone luxury vinyl flooring

  • Offering the same classic aesthetic of real wood parquet flooring, herringbone luxury vinyl flooring is a more economical option.
  • LVT herringbone planks are offered in a wide choice of colours and patterns.
  • LVT herringbone flooring is hardwearing and, unlike real wood, is scratch resistant.
  • Requiring nothing more than regular sweeping and mopping, herringbone vinyl flooring is extremely low maintenance.
  • It is also waterproof and slip resistant.

How to lay herringbone flooring

At Floors for Paws, our herringbone flooring is installed by attaching the planks to the subfloor with adhesive, to create a more secure hold. The bond formed between the vinyl planks and the subfloor means there is much less chance of movement in the flooring over time. The adhesive will also prevent warping, making it a great solution for areas prone to changes in moisture levels and/or temperature. As adhesive installation is more complex than click-and-lock systems, we advise using an approved installation specialist, which we are happy to recommend.

What rooms can herringbone flooring be used in?

Herringbone flooring is suitable for any room in the house, but its highly decorative appearance often lends itself to use in entrance hallways and reception rooms. In rooms that are free from clutter and not over-furnished, the flooring can be seen at its best. The herringbone pattern gives the illusion of space, making an area appear bigger, which makes it perfect for smaller rooms or narrow hallways. Where wooden parquet flooring is unsuitable for bathrooms and kitchens, the water resistance of LVT herringbone planks makes them ideal for these areas. A good tip to remember is that lighter coloured planks will make a darker space brighter and more open, while darker planks look effective against paler walls.

Herringbone luxury vinyl plank flooring from Floors for Paws

Our luxury vinyl range is currently available in 12 wood effect planks, perfect for creating herringbone patterns. Our Pawsafe Domestic range is offered in a choice of herringbone effect finishes or wooden plank finishes for the ultimate choice, and you can select up to three free samples from each range to help you find the best for your home. And, of course, all our flooring is safe and kind for pets, offering comfortable cushioning, with an anti-slip wear layer too.

If you have any questions about herringbone flooring, send us an email to or give our friendly team a call on 01522 300218 today.

Fear free environment for dogs

Dog in bed on greenwood flooring

Creating a fear-free environment for dogs involves designing a living space that minimises stressors and promotes their physical and emotional well-being. Here are some tips to help create a fear-free environment for your canine companion:

Safe and Quiet Space: Provide a dedicated safe and quiet space for your dog to retreat to when they feel stressed or overwhelmed. This can be a cosy corner with comfortable bedding and toys, away from high-traffic areas and loud noises.

Positive Reinforcement Training: Use positive reinforcement training techniques to encourage desired behaviours and build your dog’s confidence. Reward them with treats, praise, and affection when they display calm and relaxed behaviour.

Socialisation: Early and positive socialisation experiences with different people, dogs, and environments can help prevent fear and anxiety in various situations.

Consistent Routine: Dogs thrive on routines. Stick to a consistent daily schedule for feeding, walking, playtime, and rest to create a sense of predictability and security.

Nutrition: Provide a balanced and nutritious diet to support your dog’s overall health, which can contribute to better emotional well-being.

Physical and Mental Stimulation: Regular exercise and mental stimulation are essential for a dog’s well-being. Engage them in interactive play and provide puzzle toys to keep their minds engaged.

Calming Aids: If your dog experiences anxiety or fear in certain situations, consider using calming aids like pheromone diffusers or anxiety wraps to help them feel more at ease.

Fear-Free Veterinary Visits: Look for fear-free or low-stress handling veterinary clinics that use positive reinforcement techniques to make veterinary visits less stressful for your dog.

Temperature Control: Ensure your home is at a comfortable temperature, especially during extreme weather conditions, to keep your dog physically comfortable.

Eliminate Hazards: Remove potential hazards from your home that could cause fear or injury to your dog. This includes securing toxic substances, keeping electrical cords out of reach, and ensuring a safe and enclosed yard if they have access to the outdoors.

Avoid Punishment: Refrain from using punishment-based training methods, as this can instil fear and anxiety in dogs, leading to behavioural issues.

Positive Association: Create positive associations with various experiences, people, and places. For example, give treats during car rides or when encountering strangers on walks.

Flooring: When choosing fear-free flooring for dogs, consider factors such as your dog’s size, age, breed, and any specific health conditions they may have. Additionally, providing plenty of comfortable bedding and safe spaces within your home can further contribute to creating a calming environment for your furry friend.

Endorsed by Canine Arthritis Management and veterinary clinics across the UK, the Pawsafe Commercial range has an anti-slip finish making it kinder to older dogs with mobility problems. The cushion comfort layer offers a level of comfort unseen in average commercial flooring.

To try our Pawsafe Commercial flooring for your dog daycare business, choose up to three free samples and then give our friendly team a call on 01522 300218 or send us an email to