Hello dog lovers. What a year! Thank goodness for the love, companionship and fun that dogs bring to our lives.
Despite very difficult circumstances, we have had a good year thanks to our wonderful clients and our small dedicated team. We have raised lots of money for Dogs Trust and helped those dogs less fortunate than our own.
The offices will be closed from Wednesday 23rd December to Wednesday 6th January 2021. We will be picking up emails and voicemail and will get back to you as soon as possible in January. The last date for orders will be Friday 4th December and any samples ordered after Friday December 18th will be delivered in the new year.
We look forward to a much happier and healthier year for everyone next year would like to join in the thanks to all essential workers, and specifically health professionals who have acted selflessly over a very tough few months.
We wish everyone of you a Happy Christmas and New Year. Don’t forget to spoil those doggies!
Lots of Love
Team FFP x