Canine Arthritis – Prevention is the best solution

Canine arthritis

Thanks to Canine Arthritis Management, headed by Super Vet Hannah Capon we know have a much better indicator of the best treatment for dogs with Arthritis. If you have a dog who is, or you think is struggling with this head over to their website for an in depth look at the best options to help your dog.

Arthritis is a condition that tends to appear later in life but is often due to the accumulation of joint wear and tear and injuries throughout a dog’s life. 

One of the main pieces of advice relates to slippery floors. If you have a dog with any condition which affects their gait it is important that you look at your flooring in and around the home. Many dogs in the later stages of Arthritis will need rugs, runners or carpet offcuts if the home has hard, smooth flooring. 

But how do we prevent so many cases of arthritis? We at Floors For Paws believe that having an Anti-slip floor will go a long way to protect the joints of your dog. One of the main causes of injury in canines is from slipping on floors. Our work with Animal physios highlighted the correlation between smooth flooring and injury in dogs. 

A safe flooring for your dog will limit the risk of joint injuries and potential Vet bills. 

Along with arthritis Floors For Paws has helped dogs with ACL/CCL injury, hip dysplasia, spinal injury, and degenerative myelopathy who had previously struggled on smooth flooring. 


Video below: Donna Wills (PGC A Phys, RVN. Member of IAAT, BVNA and RAMP – Founder of Animal Physiotherapy Ltd) and Hannah Capon (MA Vet MB MRCVS Director of Canine Arthritis Management) discuss flooring effects on Canine Arthritis.



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