Smooth floors bad for dogs

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The Hidden Danger of Smooth Floors: Protecting Your Dog from Hip Dysplasia

As a responsible dog owner, ensuring the health and safety of your furry friend is a top priority. While you might have considered their diet, exercise, and regular vet check-ups, have you thought about the impact your flooring could be having on their well-being? Many dog owners don’t realize that hard, smooth floors can lead to serious injuries, including hip dysplasia. In this blog, we explore why anti-slip flooring is essential for pet owners and how it can protect your beloved canine companion.

Understanding Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Hip dysplasia is a common condition in dogs, particularly in larger breeds, where the hip joint doesn’t fit together perfectly. This leads to joint instability, pain, and eventually arthritis. While genetics play a significant role in the development of hip dysplasia, environmental factors like flooring can exacerbate the condition or trigger injuries that contribute to its onset so it is something all dog owners should consider.

The Risks of Smooth, Hard Floors

Smooth floors such as hardwood, laminate, or tile can be hazardous for dogs. These surfaces can be slippery, especially for dogs that love to run and play indoors. They can pose a risk in the following ways:

  1. Slips and Falls: Dogs can easily slip on smooth surfaces, leading to falls that may cause immediate injuries like sprains or fractures.
  2. Joint Stress: Constant slipping puts extra stress on your dog’s joints, particularly the hips, which can contribute to the development of hip dysplasia.
  3. Lack of Traction: Without proper traction, dogs may struggle to move naturally, which can affect their gait and overall mobility, leading to long-term musculoskeletal issues.

The Importance of Anti-Slip Flooring for your dog

Investing in anti-slip flooring can significantly reduce the risks associated with hard, smooth floors. Here’s why anti-slip flooring is a game-changer for pet owners:

Enhanced Safety:

Anti-slip flooring provides better traction, reducing the likelihood of slips and falls. This makes your home a safer environment for your dog to move around freely.

Joint Protection:

By preventing slips, anti-slip flooring helps protect your dog’s joints from unnecessary stress and strain, which is crucial for preventing hip dysplasia.

Comfort and Confidence:

Dogs feel more confident and comfortable walking and playing on surfaces where they have a good grip. This can improve their quality of life and overall happiness while in the home environment.

Types of Anti-Slip Flooring for Dog Owners

There are several types of anti-slip flooring options that can benefit both your pet:

1.Vinyl Flooring: Durable, easy to clean, and available in anti-slip varieties, vinyl flooring is an excellent choice for pet owners. It provides good traction and is resistant to scratches and stains.

2. Rubber Flooring: Often used in gyms, rubber flooring offers superb grip and cushioning, making it ideal for areas where your dog is most active. Can be marked by dog claws.

3.Textured Laminate: While most laminate can be slippery, textured options provide better traction without sacrificing the look of traditional wood flooring. Not 100% water/pee proof.

4. Carpet Tiles: Carpet tiles with a low pile can provide traction while being easier to clean and replace than traditional carpets but are not hypo-allergenic or easy to keep clean with dogs.

Additional Tips for a Pet-Friendly Home

In addition to choosing the right flooring, here are a few more tips to create a safe and comfortable environment for your dog:

– Area Rugs and Runners:

Place area rugs or runners in high-traffic areas to provide extra grip and cushioning.

– Regular Nail Trimming:

Keep your dog’s nails trimmed to prevent them from slipping on smooth surfaces.

– Exercise and Weight Management:

Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the strain on your dog’s joints.


Your dog’s health and safety are important, and the type of flooring in your home plays a crucial role in their well-being. By choosing anti-slip flooring, you can help prevent injuries and conditions like hip dysplasia, ensuring your furry friend enjoys a happy, healthy life. At Floors for Paws, we understand the unique needs of dog owners and offer a range of flooring solutions designed with your pet’s safety in mind. but it has also got to be right for you too! You want it to be long-lasting, waterproof, maintenance free, scratch resistant and attractive. Choose floors for paws anti-slip flooring today and give your dog the secure, comfortable home they deserve without compromise on your side.

For more information on pet-friendly vinyl flooring options, visit Floors for Paws and discover how we can help you create a safer environment for your beloved dog.


The importance of non-slip flooring for dogs. Prevent injury.

canine arthritis

In our latest guide, we delve into the importance of non-slip flooring for dogs and how it can make a paws-itive difference in their lives.


As pet owners, we cherish the joy and companionship our furry friends bring into our lives. From playful romps in the backyard to cozy snuggles on the couch, our dogs enrich our daily routines in countless ways. However, amid all the fun and frolic, it’s crucial to consider the safety and well-being of our canine companions, especially when it comes to their environment. One often overlooked yet critical aspect of pet safety is the flooring they walk and play on.

The Need for Safety

Dogs are known for their boundless energy and enthusiasm, but their exuberance can sometimes lead to accidents, particularly on slick or slippery surfaces. Whether it’s a hardwood floor, tile, or laminate, smooth flooring materials can pose significant hazards to dogs, especially those with mobility issues or older dogs with arthritis. Slips and falls can result in injuries ranging from minor bruises to more severe fractures or sprains, causing pain and discomfort for our beloved pets. ‘Arthritis is caused either by abnormal forces being placed through normal joints, or normal forces being placed through abnormal joints-or possibly a combination of both. Although there could be a number of reasons why a dog develops arthritis, the most prevalent cause is developmental joint disease.’*

Enhancing Stability and Security

Non-slip flooring offers a simple yet effective solution to mitigate the risk of accidents and injuries for dogs. Unlike traditional flooring materials that provide minimal traction, non-slip surfaces offer enhanced stability and grip, allowing dogs to walk, run, and play with confidence. Whether navigating indoor spaces or outdoor areas like patios or decks, dogs can move about safely without the fear of slipping or losing their footing.

Protecting Joint Health

For dogs, maintaining joint health is essential for their overall well-being and quality of life, especially as they age. Slippery surfaces can exacerbate existing joint conditions such as arthritis, leading to increased pain and discomfort. Non-slip flooring helps alleviate stress on joints by providing a stable and supportive surface for dogs to walk and stand on. By reducing the strain on their joints, non-slip flooring can contribute to improved mobility and comfort for dogs, allowing them to enjoy their golden years to the fullest.

Promoting Confidence and Independence

Beyond safety concerns, non-slip flooring also plays a crucial role in promoting dogs’ confidence and independence. Dogs thrive when they feel secure and in control of their movements, and non-slip surfaces empower them to explore their surroundings with confidence. Whether navigating stairs, jumping onto furniture, or playing fetch in the backyard, dogs can engage in activities without the fear of slipping or falling, fostering a sense of freedom and autonomy.

Choosing the Right Flooring

When selecting flooring for homes or pet-friendly spaces, it’s essential to prioritize safety and comfort for our four-legged friends. Non-slip flooring options such as rubber, cork, or textured tiles provide excellent traction and durability, making them ideal choices for pet-friendly environments. Additionally, regular maintenance and cleaning of floors can help ensure optimal traction and prevent the buildup of debris or substances that may compromise surface grip.

Pawsafe Domestic Range

Our Pawsafe Domestic range is a luxury vinyl plank flooring offering the aesthetic and choice that our customers want. Durable and scratch resistant, the luxurious cushion comfort layer is kind to old bones and sore joints, while the anti-slip wear layer will help your dog not to slip and slide. A textured surface aids traction and allows infirm dogs to move around confidently, without the fear of losing their balance. Available in a choice of plank sizes and a herringbone option, Pawsafe Domestic is low maintenance and, when professionally installed, completely waterproof with a 30-year domestic guarantee.

Best flooring for dogs from Floors for Paws

To chat through your requirements for the best flooring for older dogs, please get in touch, and our friendly sales team will be happy to help. Email us at or give us a call on 01522 300218.


*What causes arthritis

The many benefits of safe Flooring for Dogs

Non-slip flooring for dogs

Our canine companions bring joy, love, and boundless energy into our lives. However, they can also face their fair share of challenges, one of which is the impact of hard and unforgiving flooring on their well-being. We look at the many benefits of safe flooring for dogs, that not only enhance their comfort but also safeguard their health.

1. Joint Health Matters: Just like humans, dogs can experience joint problems, especially as they age. Hard surfaces, like concrete or tile, can exacerbate joint pain and contribute to conditions like arthritis. Safe flooring, which is softer and more cushioned, helps reduce the strain on joints, keeping your pup more comfortable and mobile.

2. Reduced Slippage: Dogs are not immune to slips and falls, and these accidents can lead to injuries, especially in older or less agile dogs. Safe flooring with good traction minimizes the risk of your furry friend losing their footing, providing a secure environment for play and movement.

3. Comfortable Rest: Dogs spend a significant portion of their lives lying down. Whether it’s naptime or a long night’s sleep, safe flooring provides a comfortable surface that prevents pressure sores and discomfort. Elevated dog beds or soft mats can further enhance their relaxation.

4. Stress Reduction: Dogs are sensitive creatures, and stressful environments can affect their overall well-being. Safe flooring can contribute to a calmer atmosphere. A comfortable, non-slip surface can reduce anxiety and help your dog feel more secure in their surroundings.

5. Maintained Activity: Exercise is essential for a dog’s health, both physically and mentally. Safe flooring encourages activity. When dogs have secure footing and reduced joint discomfort, they’re more likely to engage in play and exercise, which can maintain muscle strength and overall fitness.

6. Hygiene and Cleanliness: Safe flooring is easier to clean and maintain. Accidents happen, but with the right flooring, cleaning up is a breeze. This is especially important for puppies or senior dogs who may have trouble controlling their bodily functions.

7. Long-Term Cost Savings: Investing in safe flooring can be cost-effective in the long run. Preventing joint issues or injuries can save you money on veterinary bills and treatments. It’s a wise investment in your dog’s health and happiness.

8. Versatile Design Options: Safe flooring doesn’t mean sacrificing aesthetics. There’s a wide range of flooring options that combine safety with style, allowing you to choose a design that complements your home while keeping your dog’s needs in mind.

In conclusion, safe flooring for dogs isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. It promotes joint health, reduces stress, enhances comfort, and ensures your dog can enjoy a full and active life. By choosing flooring that prioritizes your dog’s well-being, you’re making a loving investment in their future happiness and health.

At Floors for Paws, we’ve expertly combined both quality and style within our selection of flooring that is not only pet-friendly but also remarkably easy to maintain. While traditional flooring materials like real wood, laminate, and ceramic may present a slipping hazard and a less forgiving landing surface, our vinyl solutions are an ideal choice for dogs of all ages. These specialized vinyl options feature a textured, anti-slip surface and an additional layer of soft protection. They come highly recommended by CAM (Canine Arthritis Management), especially for older dogs and those suffering from arthritis.

Our flooring is available in both tile and plank formats, offering a wide array of colours and designs to suit any room in your home. Whether you’re revamping your living room or transforming your kitchen, our Pawsafe Domestic Range can offer the many benefits of safe flooring for dogs.

For businesses that frequently welcome furry visitors, such as veterinary clinics, dog daycare centres, and canine cafes, our Pawsafe Commercial Range is available in roll format. It represents the pinnacle of pet-friendly flooring, ensuring both durability and aesthetics.
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