How your dog will react to new flooring

Blizzard on wychwood flooring

As you know Floors For Paws has an industry leading slip rating and is embossed with grain effect to aid in your dog’s safe movement around the home and at work. If the area you have laid Floors For Paws has had another floor covering previously this will be a significant change in their environment so it is important to look at the factors involved for them when you have your Floors For Paws installed.

If you have previously had smooth flooring such as engineered wood, ceramic or porcelain tile, or any such non-profiled floor covering your dog will enjoy the extra grip our flooring gives them, but it still a change in their lives that they need to adjust to.

If you have had carpet down previously your dog may well expect to be able to move the same on Floors For Paws as on carpet – again; there needs to be a period of adjustment for them until they realise and make the connection between the change in the floor and its effect on their behaviour patterns. To aid in their adaptation it can be advisable to add ‘islands’ of soft flooring such as rugs until they are fully confident on the new floor.

In either case we recommend that your dogs are introduced to the new floor slowly (rather than letting them charge in as normal only to find that their normal movement over the floor has a different result.

Walk them in, let them have a sniff of the new floor – this is a bigger change for them than it is for us as they cannot process the change in the same way we can.

Over the last few years we have found all dogs soon find happiness on the clean, anti-slip, and hypo-allergenic floor they now have in their lives.

On Floors For Paws dogs, if traveling at full pace will enjoy a controlled slide bringing them to a gentle stop like they would on grass or concrete – This is important as a dead stop at full pace can cause over exertion on joints. Equally; it is better than on smooth flooring in which dogs can slide out of control without being able to stop which can cause injury through collisions with walls and furniture and strains and tears of ACL ligaments through over stretching of joints while trying to regain control.

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